Smart, driven, holding to high code standards professionals here. DarkLime is an expert team that never stops learning. Our focus is on cross code review, knowledge sharing, and using development best practices.
since 2016
Angular expertise
Key products

Progressive web apps (PWA) Angular 9

Why spend more on different technologies for iOS, Android, and a website with user-friendly mobile experience, if you can get all in one with Progressive Web Apps? PWAs are convenient, cost-efficient, and independent from the App Store and Google Play!

Angular 9 Ivy SSR

Angular 9 Ivy was released Feb 7, 2020, and we have already upgraded beta client. We recommended keeping the version of Angular up to date if this is possible. For example, v9 allows to decrease a bundle up to 40% for large apps, has improved type-checking system and multi-language SSR enhancement

Unit, e2e tests for Angular apps

Large apps can’t do without test coverage. Unit and end-to-end testing with the Jasmine/Karma/Protractor technologies ensures the highest code quality and reduces risks of malfunctioning after your app rolls out. Don’t be afraid of adding new features and upgrading libraries - you got covered by tests!

Teach and mentor your in-house developer

In case you want to create the app architecture and major components (MVP or v1.0.0) remotely and proceed working on an app in-house, we can do the first part for you and then teach and provide the instructions to your in-office Angular developer. We will still be there for help, if needed.
Main Technologies
Adobe XD, Figma, InVision, Zeplin, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Cinema 4D
HTML5, CSS3, SASS, BEM, Bootstrap, Angular Material
Javascript, Typescript, Angular 2+, Angular 9, Angular Universal (Server side rendering)
NGRX(state management), effective module architecture, TSLINT, OOP on FE side, e2e
Progressive web application based on Angular
Google Cloud, Firebase, GraphQL, REST, MySQL, Postgresql
Who are Our Clients?
Special offer:

Clickable mockups to sell to the investors

Special offer:

Angular + Angular Material + ngrx/store + e2e/unit tests. AWS or Google Cloud

Mobile friendly solutions
Special offer:

Progressive Web Apps

Case Studies
DashboardHUB (open source project)

The no-setup, open-source platform that makes your deployment pipeline more transparent by ensuring everybody on your team is on the same page. DashboardHub does this by gathering the most relevant, up-to-date information in realtime

Technologies: Angular 7/8, Angular Material, Firebase, Cloud functions, AngularFire2.

Contact us

The DarkLime team are hands down the best freelance agency I have worked with and I have worked with a lot of them! They are experts in what they do, absolute professionals and deliver to outcomes. I would recommend Nataly and her team to anyone.